Chamomile Tea
Chamomile Tea – More than just a soothing tea
When you listen to Chamomile Tea, everyone thinks of calmness and soothing of body and soul. In fact, chamomile tea is much more than just that. It is rich in curating abilities and has numerous health benefits to offer to its consumers. Familiarise yourselves with what chamomile tea is and then read on for some of the benefits that it can provide to you and your family.
What is Chamomile Tea?
Chamomile Tea comes from a family of plants/flowers, called Asteraceae. The process of obtaining the tea is simple, simply by drying the flowers of the plant and then soaking them in water to extract its delicious taste and divine smell. In case you are looking to introduce and regularly consume chamomile tea, we suggest preferring organic chamomile tea since it will offer the same nutritional value and benefits only without any chemicals and toxics found in regular tea. The organic chamomile tea is 100% pure and even better for you and your healthy lifestyle.
What does chamomile tea taste like?
The word, chamomile is actually derived from two Greek words - kamai meaning earth and melon which translates roughly to apple. The name gives a fair hint as to what it tastes like, hunting at a taste of apple with a gentle mellow sweetness. The taste is delicate and soothing.
How to make chamomile tea.
Chamomile tea can be purchased in dry flowers or tea bag varieties. Making chamomile tea with a tea bag is done in exactly the same way you would make traditional tea using a tea bag.
To make tea using dried flowers, use about a teaspoon of per cup. Place the dried flowers blossoms in a teapot or infuser, then pour boiling water onto the flowers and allow the solution to “brew” for about five minutes. It is possible to use freshly harvested chamomile flowers to make chamomile tea, but you will need to double the quantity as the drying process concentrates the flavor.
Chamomile Tea Benefits
Organic chamomile tea is rich in content of powerful antioxidants that are mostly responsible for the many benefits of chamomile tea. Let’s answer the question what is chamomile tea good for by taking a look at the health benefits of this delicious tea:
Most popular for the treatment of inflammation and spasms – The tea is mostly consumed when people suffer from bloating or cramp pain. It is perfect to treat muscle spasms, nausea and bowel pains.
Along with muscle spasms, the tea can also treat menstrual pain. Lower stomach cramp pain, caused during ‘those’ days of the month, can be severely reduced and make you feel relieved. That is due to the antioxidants of the tea.
Another popular benefit and use of the chamomile is the treatment of migraines and headaches. Serotonin and melatonin consumed from the tea can reduce stress and lower your anxiety levels.
On the line of relieving from anxiety and stress, it can also help you sleep. Perfect for those who have sleeping issues, insomnia or even new mothers.
It has been found that chamomile tea can strengthen your immune system through its many compounds it owns.
May help to treat blood sugar levels in people suffering from diabetes. This does not mean that it should be used as a substitute for existing diabetes medications but could be used as a supplement to these medications.(1)
It may contribute to the slowing of osteoporosis.(2)
There is anecdotal evidence that the inhalation of chamomile tea steam may help in combating the symptoms of the common cold. However, there has been no study done to support this claim
For even more benefits, check out the video below.
What is in chamomile tea that makes you sleep?
For many years now, Chamomile tea has been regarded as a mild sedative. This has ben attributed to the antioxidant, Apigenin that is thought to reduce anxiety and make sleeping easier. The soporific effects of chamomile tea have been supported in academic studies showing improved sleep patterns in the elderly.(3)
At Buy Organics Online, you can find a wide range of chamomile teas to choose from.
Satisfy your Organic Tea needs at Buy Organics Online.
1.Protective Effects of Dietary Chamomile Tea on Diabetic Complications
2 Greek plant extracts exhibit selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM)-like properties
3.Chamomile: A herbal medicine of the past with bright future