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Everyorganics Everymite Baby Low Fodmap & Super Low Salt 950g

UN - EVM24

EveryMite Baby is a revolutionary formula specially designed for infants following a Low FODMAP and Super Low Salt diet. Certified organic and packed with nutrient-rich ingredients, our formula provides the essential nourishment your baby needs.

Proven Benefits

Promotes Gut Health: Our Low FODMAP formula eliminates common fermentable carbohydrates that can irritate the immature digestive system of infants.
Optimises Electrolyte Balance: Super Low Salt levels support healthy kidney function and help prevent electrolyte imbalances.
Supports Growth and Development: Certified organic ingredients, including black sesame seeds and coconut amino sauce, provide a rich source of essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Unique Features

TGA Approved: Our formula meets the strict safety and quality standards set by the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).
Certified Organic: Every ingredient is sourced from certified organic farms, ensuring purity and quality.
No Added Sugars or Artificial Ingredients: Our formula is free from sweeteners and artificial additives, preserving its natural goodness.

Easy-to-Use Instructions

  1. Sanitise a bottle and teat.

  2. Measure the desired amount of EveryMite Baby powder using the provided scoop.

  3. Add warm water (not boiling) to the bottle.

  4. Shake vigorously until the powder is completely dissolved.

  5. Test the temperature on your wrist before feeding.

Safety and Responsibility

While EveryMite Baby is generally safe for use, it is important to consult your healthcare professional before introducing it to your infant.


This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Individual results may vary. Always follow the instructions for use and consult a healthcare professional if you have any concerns.


Certified Organic Black Sesame Seeds, Certified Organic Coconut Amino Sauce (Fermented Barrel-Aged Coconut Nectar, Coconut Water, Sun Dried Mineral-Rich Sea Salt), Certified Organic Apple Cider Vinegar (with the "Mother") and Pure Australian Sea Salt.