Seaweed - Wakame, Nori, Dulse
Seaweed products - Wakame, Nori and Dulse at Buy Organics Online
Seaweed products or algae products are some of the most beneficial and well-known vegan products in the market. There are many different types of seaweed including wakame, nori and dulse that provide numerous health benefits to your body. Wakame is a Brown seaweed usually used in miso soup and salads. Nori is a Red Algae that is used in sushi rolls. Dulse (Palmaria Palmata) is a Red Algae that is otherwise known as the bacon of the sea.
Seaweed Benefits
It is a great source of vitamins and minerals - These include iodine,[1], calcium, magnesium and many more.
Rich in omega-3 - It is also characterized as vegetable of the sea. Due to this, it is great for omega-3 that is mostly found in fatty fish and can be a great natural omega-3 source for vegetarians or vegans or anyone who is looking for a natural alternative for omega-3.[2]
Contains minerals that can improve bone health.As we age we run an increased risk of being subject to osteoporosis and increasing the intake of calcium, iron and magnesium can certainly help to strengthen our bones
High antioxidant properties can improve heart health.[3]
Improved thyroid health. The thyroid gland performs a critical role in regulating the body's overall function - having an effect upon general fatigue, mood, strength and weight gain.
Has been associated with improved vision. Many sea veggies have a high concentration of vitamin A which is associated with protecting against cell degeneration and cataract development[5]
May lead to improved blood pressure [6] as well as playing a role in producing hemoglobin and preventing anemia.
The fatty acid content can have a marked positive effect upon the overall immune system.[7]
Different types of seaweed
Wakame – Brown seaweed usually used in miso soup and salads
Nori –Red Algae that is used in sushi rolls.
Dulse (Palmaria Palmata) – Red Algae that is otherwise known as the bacon of the sea
Wakame Seaweed
Nori Seaweed
Dulse Seaweed
Is wakame seaweed good for you?
Wakame seaweed has a low calorie content and has a rich nutrients content. Some of the most beneficial elements within wakame include, magnesium, calcium and manganese.
Do you cook wakame seaweed?
Dried wakame must first be oaked in warm water and then doused in cold water before use. It can be added to soups or used in various salads.
Is wakame the same as Nori?
There is a distinct difference between the two types of seaweed. Dried Nori comes in sheets often used for Sushi, while wakame sort of resemble dried sea raisins.
What type of seaweed is dulse?
Dulse is a red seaweed that has its own specific appearance, flavor and texture. It differs in appearance, texture and taste to other edible seaweeds such as kelp.
Where is Dulse seaweed found?
Dulse is harvested at low tide in the sea off the shores of Canada and other North Atlantic coastal regions
Is Dulse seaweed good for you?
There’s several reasons why many people now refer to dulse as a superfood. Firstly, it is rich in protein and fibre It also has a low calorie and fat content while being rich in calcium and potassium. It is most certainly good for you and has the added benefit of being easily incorporated into your diet.
What does dulse taste like?
There is a definite hint of bacon taste in fresh dulse, however there are other tastes more easily associated with the seaside evident as well. It looks like a type of red lettuce, but has more crunch and texture. Besides the hint of bacon you will also taste a salty savory type flavor. This makes them a great snack option and Dulse flakes are a dulse product growing in popularity.
How to use dulse and wakame in the kitchen?
Dulse is usually only available in a dried package. This isn't a problem as dried dulse flakes don't lose any of their nutritional value. If stored in a dry cool dark place, flakes or powder should last for up to two years.
To get that bacon taste it is best pan fried in oil over medium heat until it becomes crisp.It can be eaten raw or cooked in sandwiches, salads or as a standalone snack Some of the more adventurous have been known to sprinkle it on ice cream or add the powder to smoothies. . Raw dulse does not have that bacon flavor and has more of a salty taste.
Wakame features heavily in Japanese cuisine. It can be used to make a lovely pot of seaweed miso soup as well as being used in a variety of cold dishes where its texture often contrasts beautifully with crunchy vegetables.It is often used as a side dish for shrimp tempura.Wakame is often compared to another popular seaweed known as alaria. Alaria dishes can usually be interchanged with wakame.
Nori is known largely to be the key ingredient of great sushi
A good way to introduce these sea veggies into your diet is to make a salad dressing using one tablespoon of dulse with some soy sauce and a little rice wine vinegar.
There are even recipes available to make home made sesame bars using sesame seeds and dulse
Can you buy seaweed at the grocery store?
While some larger grocery stores may stock some lines of sea vegetables and it may be possible to pick up some in an Asian grocery store, you will find that it is far easier to find a full range of seaweed products online.
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