stoney creek golden flaxseed oil 280ml
golden flaxseed oil is a fresh, nutty-tasting vegetarian alternative to fish oil - at a most economical price. A rich source of omega 3 (60% as ala), it is cold-pressed from plump 'n shiny australian-grown golden flaxseeds. This fresh, nutty-tasting oil can be used as a dipping oil, mixed with fruit smoothies, combined with other oils in salad dressings - or drizzled over rice, pasta or vegetables just prior to serving. Do not cook with flaxseed oil.
'cold pressing' is the term given to the process of mechanically separating oil from the seed by application of pressure only, without the addition of heat or chemicals. This method retains the natural structure of the oil, with all the inherent characteristics of the seed. Flaxseed oil is filtered through cloth filters to remove any seed particles, then packed into light-proof, nitrogen-capped metal cans to prevent oxidisation. Cans are stored in a refrigerated cool-room until dispatch.
100% australian, organic, unrefined and gmo free flaxseed oil. Naturally gluten free
stoney creek's unique cold-press method ensures:
· maximum freshness (due to small batch processing)
· superior taste (cold-pressing retains the inherent nutty flavour of flaxseed)
· absolute purity (oil is filtered only - nothing added, no further refining)
flaxseed oil is nature's richest source of omega 3 (55-60% as ala) and is therefore much sought-after as a dietary supplement - particularly in western style diets, which are deficient in this essential fatty acid. Our bodies cannot produce essential fatty acids (efa's), so we must obtain them from food sources. Flaxseed oil contains both omega 6 and omega 3 efa's. Every human cell uses efa's and cannot exist without them. Research and clinical experience demonstrate that omega 3 can have beneficial results in many illnesses and conditions - heart disease, cancers, diabetes, arthritis, asthma, premenstrual syndrome, allergies, inflammatory tissue conditions, water retention and skin conditions.
the human body converts the alpha-linolenic acid (ala) in flaxseed oil to eicosapentaenoic acid (epa) and docosahexaenoic acid (dha) as required. These are the same efa's that are present in fish oil, and the conversion is similar to that which fish make when they eat algae. This conversion can be enhanced by reducing consumption of fats high in omega 6 (eg safflower and sunflower oils).
all stoney creek flaxseed oils are cold-pressed at temperatures less than 40°c, not subject to deodourisation or any additional refining, and contain only 9% saturated fats - compared to up to 30% in most fish oils.
flaxseed oil can be added to many, many foods - such as rice, vegetables, pasta, salads, cereals, soups, yoghurt, tofu, milk/soy drinks and fruit smoothies. But do not cook with flaxseed oil!
note: when taking flaxseed oil, consumption of other fats (especially omega 6 fats) should be moderated, so that total fat intake is not increased.
flaxseed oil