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Tomato Juice
Why you’ll want to drink Tomato Juice?
There are few beverages out there quite as cleansing as tomato juice. Popular in western cuisine, especially for Australians when consuming an early morning bloody Mary, this ambient juice option possesses tremendous nutritional and overall health benefits. Delightfully colourful, tomato juice calories are low and so is the amount of fat present. It is little wonder why this wholesome drink is such a popular option for Aussies and other Westerners alike.
The tremendous Tomato Juice benefits
Apart from its high nutritional value, there are many other advantages to regularly consuming this beverage.
The tomato juice benefits include:
It can promote healthier digestion. Regular consumption of this product can stimulate bowel movement, prevent constipation and help keep the liver functioning efficiently.
It can lower LDL cholesterol levels. LDL cholesterol is the bad cholesterol that humans need to reduce to maximise proper bodily functioning. The fibre content in tomato juice can reduce LDL cholesterol therefore improving overall cardiovascular health.
It can reduce the likelihood of developing heart disease. The lycopene that is present in this product has been shown to drastically reduce the likelihood of developing heart disease.
It can prevent blood clots. Because of the presence of phytonutrients in tomatoes, the likelihood of developing blood clots can be significantly reduced.
It promotes stronger, healthier bones. Tomatoes contain Vitamin K which has been shown to be crucial to bone formation in the human body.
It can improve your overall skin condition. Drinking tomato juice on a regular basis has been shown to reduce the onset of acne and other frustrating skin conditions.
How is tomato juice good for the skin?
When applied topically, tomato juice can help improve overall skin condition as it contains rich quantities of the antioxidant lycopene which can help protect the skin against radicals and early signs of ageing.
It can be used in the following ways to improve skin condition-:
Rubbing the juice on your skin and allowing it to sit there for between fifteen and twenty minutes can help to naturally lighten skin colour.
Cut a fresh tomato in half and rub the pulpy side on your face. Allow the juice to react with your face for about fifteen minutes, then rinse off with lukewarm water. This will help to reduce excess skin oiliness.
Cut a fresh tomato in half and dip it into sugar. Then, gently rub this on your face to simultaneously massage and exfoliate your face.
Skin irritation can be soothed by making a face mask combined of two tablespoons of natural yoghurt with tomato juice.
A tomato juice mask can help to stimulate skin collagen and improve suppleness.
What can you use tomato juice for?
Besides being a delicious healthy drink and being used as a natural skin conditioner, tomato juice has a number of varied and sometimes surprising uses. These include
Being a staple ingredient in many casseroles, hot pots, chilli dishes and soups.
Can be used as a deodoriser and is particularly effective in removing odours from plastic containers. If you use a dishcloth to apply to the inside of the dish, then wash in warm soapy water after allowing it to stand for two to three minutes, the acid in the juice will help to break down the odours infesting the dish.
Can be helped to treat sunburn when mixed with yoghurt or buttermilk. Simply apply the mixture using cotton wool and allow it to stand for about twenty minutes before washing off.
Can be used as a hair conditioner.
It can be used to remove fridge odours by wiping the inside of the fridge with tomato juice and then rinsing off with warm water.
Can be used to restore blonde hair. Natural blonde hair can be impacted by such events as swimming in chlorinated water. You can restore the natural blonde look by saturating your hair with tomato juice, then covering it with a shower cap for around quarter of an hour before washing the juice out.
How many calories in tomato juice?
One cup of tomato juice contains approximately 41 calories. Or to look at it another way 100ml has about 17 calories.
Tomato Juice at Buy Organics
If you’ve been asking where do you buy tomato juice? Then we have the answer taht is ure to satisfy.
At Buy Organics Online there are a range of tomato juice products that have been sourced from only the most trusted brands in the industry. Incredibly beneficial from a nutritional perspective and containing great health benefits, this product is a great addition to any family kitchen. Don’t delay, purchase from Buy Organics Online today!