Unbleached Flour
What is Unbleached Flour?
As the name suggests, unbleached flour is milled flour that has not been through the bleaching process. Bleached flour is treated with chemicals such as benzoyl peroxide, potassium bromate, chlorine gas, and other chemicals to whiten it, thus removing its natural yellow tinge. Unbleached flour is allowed to age naturally and this takes extra time. The extra processing time usually results in slightly higher prices for unbleached flour. When used for baking, unbleached flour usually delivers a coarser, crustier result.
Bleached flour vs unbleached flour - what is best?
Bleached flour is renowned for its fineness and it makes baking, somewhat easier in most instances. However, some recipes specifically call for unbleached flour and this is generally to ensure that a certain texture is achieved.
Aside from baking, unbleached flour has several distinct advantages over bleached flour. These are-:
Unbleached flour has greater nutritional value than bleached flour as it retains some vital nutrients that the bleaching process leaves out. Unbleached flour has more fibre, contains more antioxidants and retains the minerals manganese and copper as well as Vitamin E.
Unbleached flour has a protein content of around 11% compared to bleached flour which has a protein content of 8%.
The chemicals used in the bleaching process are potentially harmful. Potassium bromate is the main cause for concern as it has been linked to kidney damage in studies. Benzoyl peroxide has also been linked to the body’s inability to break down antioxidants.
While these concerns about bleached flour are real, the consensus of opinion is that more research needs to be done before a definitive conclusion can be reached.
Bread flour vs unbleached flour - which one should you use?
Bread flour is specifically made for bread making. Usually, bread flour has been bleached which means that many of the advantages and disadvantages of bleached flour compared to white flour can be applied here.
What is Unbleached Flour used for?
Unbleached flour can readily be interchanged with bleached flour in most recipes. It will provide a denser end result. It is best suited to recipes that require the food to hold its shape. This makes unbleached flour perfect for recipes for éclairs, pastries and yeast bread.
Where to buy organic Unbleached Flour.
Searching for natural unbleached flour is no longer a problem, as Buy Organics Online offers a range of unbleached flours that have been chosen for their natural goodness. If you’re looking to transition away from white flour or simply need unbleached flour for a specific recipe, buy your supply today from Buy Organics Online.